Saturday, September 27, 2014


The stars come out and the sun still rises,
And the night gives in to the day.
I smile and even laugh through the times,
As life continues to carry on.

But in my moments of solitude,
I think of you and I pray.
The dark pit deepens,
As I recall your quivering voice.

The bitter realization that I won't hear you again,
Shrouds my day.
Your support always made me strong,
And made me proud of myself.

It was your sheer belief in us,
That kept us going strong on our ways.
The frail touch with an iron will,
Is what can describe you a little.

You are not with us by our side, 
But you will continue to stay.
Because you are with us forever,
Even after we leave and go far far away.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Questioning Forgiveness

What is Forgiveness?
Is it for the weak or for the strong?
Is it an act of cowardice or of strength?
Does it mean, we are over it or that we can no longer fight the feelings inside?

What is Forgiveness?
Is it an outward or an inward activity?
Is it an act or just self reconciliation?
Does it need to be done when someone asks for it or is it something we should just do on our own?

What is Forgiveness?
Is it done for others or is done for one's own self?
Then who should it affect more, us or them?
Does it calm you or does the bitterness always remain?

What is Forgiveness?
And when is the right time to forgive?
When you are at peace or when you are seeking it?
Is it right to forgive when we still have feelings or only when we are detached?
But if we are detached then why would we care to forgive?

What is Forgiveness?
Is it an end to the questions or the beginning of new ones?
Is it just a lead to the next hopeful action?
Does it end there or does it shroud you once again but later.
So, Is it like a wild-goose chase?
Which ends but never gets over?

Are these questions just in me?
Or are these felt by everyone?
I just don't know yet.

Monday, August 4, 2014


बड़े प्यार  से खेत खलियानों में सींची गई मैं 
लहर लहर कर, मस्त पवन के झोंको में पाली गई मैं 
खुश हाल सी ज़िन्दगी में, खूब खिल खिलाई भी मैं 

और एक दिन, उस शीत लहर के बाद, सबसे अलग हो गई मैं 
होकर दूर सबसे, अलग, कहीं धूप में रही मैं 
हार सूख कर, बस ऐसे ही खो सी गई मैं 

पहुंची चक्की पर, सब सच्चाईयों में पिस भी गई मैं 
और मसल मसल कर गूंदी हुई लोई बनी मैं 
बेलन के ज़ोर के नीचे दब कर निशस्त्र पड़ी मैं 

और फिर जलते तवे पर, असली ज़िन्दगी भी जीली मैं 
उस आग के अंदर फूकी हुई, कुछ जलि जलि सी मैं
फिर तेज़ आंच पर भी सिकी मैं

उस गर्म कोयले की कालक में भी रंगी मैं
चिमटे की चोट खाकर कुछ नुचि नुचि सी मैं 
पर अंदर से अभी भी वही नरम, पर हार कर अब खत्म सी मैं. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Friends 2014

And they say,
"So and so" are now friends.

And we were.
But when grounds were better than walls.
Hearts were connected, fake invitations not at all.
Even public announcements were private.
Poking a friend was so direct.
Tiny letters held the messages.
Sometimes emotions captured in long passages.
A hand drawn face with a crooked smile.
Cleared the misunderstandings held up for a while.
And today with 1000s with us, we feel alone.
So many familiar names but faces hardly known.
Unread messages waiting like nuclear stock piles.
20M requests sent from 200M miles.
Phone numbers lost.. Voices forgotten.
Just in touch with everyone not so important.

I wish I could still go to a park and share a bench.
And in 15 minutes of silence still have the best conversation with my 'friend'.