Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Leisure vs Struggle :)

Leisure ..... but definitely only after a struggle....thrills me !

According to me, one does not realize the worth of a thing, till one first yearns for it and then works to earn it. They say, you dont realize the value of water till your throat is parched with thirst ; you dont realize the comfort of a cozy bed till your back aches for one !!
For everyone there are different barometers of judging success, for some it is money, or fame and learning etc; all these things do hold a lot of importance for me too, but only when they come with 'Contentment'. Yes, for me , mental satisfaction plays a very significant role in defining my happiness. At the end of the day, rather than anyone else, I am answerable to my own conscience.

Having said that, I do believe in hard work, and have full faith in the fact that hard work is the key to success, but in todays world, where not only your laborious efforts pave ur way to ur goal, but it is equally required to have a quick, fast and an efficient way of working. So, the evergreen age-old formula changes to "Work Smart rather than Working Hard". But this smart work still requires a struggle, though not a physical one but a mental one, by which u need to decipher a fool-proof shortcut to success. As they say, 'Change is constant', and we do need to change along with the changing times!

If u struggle for a thing, u experience its all nuances. The learning that comes along with success is like the certificate along with the prize money ! And this learning is what u miss, if u do not struggle for your ambition. Therefore, always try to yearn, learn and then earn !!

Leisure and struggles are both outcomes of each other. If u struggle, u will be able to enjoy your leisurely time and vice versa.So, put in your best of efforts to reap in your leisurely future. Also, if u know, that the END will be good, u always have a positive impetus to drive you. Try always to 'Deserve and then desire'.

PS:- But, definitely, Leisure can be and should be cherished once in a while as a sweet break!!

1 comment:

  1. i also believe in leisure after struggle but then im reminded of my natural instinct of taking things easy n enjoyin b4 workin like my good ol'engg days!!!n anna u were d leader of our leisure group y this drastic
