Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Biggest Fight

Blood stained battle fields,
And torn uniforms,
Fresh bullet marks, clanking arms and shields.
But I braved it all,
Moved when everything else was stalled,
Soldiers without emotion,
Just one aim, just one passion.
But I fought them all.

Days turned into night,
And night into darkness,
Creepers and thorns, Human barb wires and shrewdness.
But I held my ground through all, 
Conquered everything like a fire ball.
Hunger never came, what came was thirst.
Sharp, targeted, regular or in bursts.
But I fought it all.

Far from home, near victory yet alone,
Though wishes and prayers always stood steady,
But it was only one bullet that took me down,
I tried to smile but out came a frown.
I really tried to fight, I tried a lot,
But on my cheeks and on many, just tears rolled down.
Because no matter how hard I tried,
I could not fight them at all.
I could not fight them at all.


  1. Hey,
    Dear you tried your best :)
    It conveys so much pain right now.
    common soldier, rise up. All life is not blood and sweat. You will have your time too :)

  2. hey dear u fought it very hard..u gave ur just missed..but wait..things will be better again..u ll have everything u have dreamed about..don let urself drown into all strong and come out it..

    this is just not the end.

  3. gosh!!! this piece is really powerful yet sad... dont know what was going in your head at the time u wrote it.... but wateva it is, may god be wid u

  4. dnt give up nanz coz i knw u and dis is nt u so soldierrr get up and show dem wat u r made up of and show dem dat u have it in u coz DAMN SURE KNW DAT U HVE IT IN U COMMON NW GO GET EM

  5. not accepted.. setbcks dun stp u from fighting.. thy mk u more determined to win.. sadness is miles away frm u, do not attract it.. thrs mch mor cmng ur way..

  6. hey saury...
    ya... wrote it on a day wen i was very very upset.. now that was on my lowest low probably..:((

  7. now read this poem as u ve emerged as phoenix n fought wid d difficulties n landed at one of d best B-schools :)

  8. Beautiful description of struggle and failure in life… Especially liked the way defiance is portrayed before the destined ‘bullet’...
    PS: I know the bullet’s effect would have been only short timed and you must have emerged stronger and sturdier
